I am thinking of Hong Kong

A leader has just died, and some of the people who have respected him are unable to come and mourn him.
His name is Szeto Wah.
I am thinking of him. I am thinking of Hong Kong, a society
I have respected for its courage.
Please, have courage. 
Photo: The view from a friend's home, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong

let us count

the search wants to end with a fifty-year-old hand living
    on a woman's thigh         let us count their loved years

and let us count the dust on a construction man's surrendered shoulders, on his mouth open in shock, his red eyes,
blacker eyelashes: he is dying, dying tonight, while the Wednesday horses cover his newsprint with prayer and fate                 
                                                        win, this moment, win

Photo: Construction site, Hong Kong
Text: The end of the poem 'Subway Searching' published in 'Delicate Access'
(Wednesday is a horse racing, and betting, day in Hong Kong)


What is a photographer but a guardian.
Photo: Hydrant, Peng Chau, Hong Kong

wet red

At dusk, things seem to seep.
Photo: Tomatoes, Suzhou, China

soft is the bay

I brushed my first mane, 
hoof, chestnut, temple, 
shin, loin... yesterday.
Photo: A friend's bay pony, New Zealand