solid and silver

Could be a doorknob, a tael, or the top 
of a silver head. All solid, sure, us.
Photo: For rope, on a ferry across the Mississippi River, Louisiana

wearing wool

I am wearing a handwoven wool sweater as I type.
This is freshly sheared wool, in other colo(u)rs.
Photo: Wool, Carterton, New Zealand


Sometimes I want to be a tree.
Photo: At the Miro Museum, Barcelona

like mother, like daughter

I put my foot on each carpet.
Photo: A hallway in a hotel, Urumqi 
Text: p.s. My mother would do the same thing.

blue is

Blue is everything we cannot touch.
Photo: The concrete structure is a communal area
of an American Indian reservation, New Mexico, USA
Text: Opening of poem 'Seeing blue' in the 'colo(u)r' series