birth and music

Today is the birthday of a sister, 
and I think of music together: dancing 
in our basement  as children, singing 
to the radio and stereo, and imagining 
a performance of all five sisters. 
For you, S. 
Photo: Two friends Poly and Orlando performing, 
Wellington, New Zealand

warm and open

These mushrooms are just 
the way I always want to be.
Photo: In the Wairarapa, New Zealand


I think about doing something 
with these eleven slabs, do you?
Photo: Sea wall, Peng Chau, Hong Kong


I remember being in this village, a five-hour walk 
from the nearest town, and I remember being 
just as curious as the children. I asked people 
what they valued in their lives, and soon, 
the book "My Favourite Thing" was born.
Photo: Me in China, 1998 (I am sorry that I have forgotten the name of the photographer.)